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  • Honey bees have hairs on their eyes

  • A full pollen load weighs about 1/6th of the weight of a bee 

  • A full load of nectar weighs about ½ the weight of a bee

  • The oldest known record of humans interest in honeybees is a drawing on a cave wall in eastern Spain, which is dated to approximately 8,000-11,000 years old. It depicts a man climbing a ladder to collecthoney from a nest. Similar drawings have also been found in caves in Zimbabwe and South Africa​.

  • Ancient records show that beekeeping originated about 6,000 years ago in both China and Egypt

  • The pollen baskets on a honey bee are situated on their legs and are called 'corbicula'

  • Nectar is carried in the crop/honey stomach

  • The average worker bee will fly approximately 500 miles before she wears out and dies

  • A queen bee has to eat 80 times her own weight to produce 2,000 eggs per day

  • A bee will visit 50-100 flowers during one trip

  • Honey can range in colour from white to gold to dark brown and it usually has a stronger taste when it's colour is darker.

  • A bee must tap 2 million flowers to make 1lb of honey and would have to fly 55,000 miles to get it

  • One bee will make 0.8g (1/10 of a teaspoon) of honey during her lifetime

  • Mead is made from fermented honey

  • Drambuie is a scotch liquer which is made from honey

  • Like the male Bumble Bee, drones (males) don't have stings

  • A worker honeybee in summer lives only 6 to 8 weeks

  • A hive can contain up to 70,000 bees in the middle of summer

  • Honeybees can recognize human faces

  • Honeybees dance to communicate

  • Honeybees can fly up to 15 miles per hour

  • Honeybees have five eyes

  • Honeybees can communicate with other bees using pheromones

  • Honeybees can see ultraviolet light

  • Honeybees are the only insect that produces food for humans

  • Honeybees can live for several months

  • Honeybees are essential for agriculture

  • Honeybees are incredibly complex and fascinating creatures. 


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